Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
PCA From a New Parent Perspective
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Guests: Matt and Lindsey McGuire and Drew and Carolyn Herndon, PCA North parents
Make sure you’re looking for our parent training resources - PCA isn’t just a great place for your students to grow spiritually, it’s an awesome opportunity for the entire family to grow spiritually as well.
Parent Perspective Panels - next scheduled events
Plano - Friday, November 3rd from 8:30-9:30 am in the Horner
North - Thursday, December 7th from 8:30-9:30 am in The Gathering
Special speaker for parents - Clint Davis will share important information for parents about navigating technology and social media - he gives valuable information and practical steps to protect and prepare your entire family. Clint will be speaking at the North Campus on Monday, November 13th from 6:30-8:00 pm in The Gathering - invite a friend (you don’t have to be a PCA parent to attend). If you are unable to attend, this information is being recorded and will be released on our YouTube channel shortly.
In addition, check out the weekly Panetti Parent Parcel posts each week in the Minute With Mike email. These posts are written from a Biblical perspective and include several outstanding resources that will help you grow in your faith in a particular area of life.
PCA is here to equip parents, to lock arms with you on this incredible journey of training up kids to be the godly men and women that God has intended and designed them to be! As Director of Parent Engagement & Ministry, if I can serve you and your family, please reach out to me at dpanetti@prestonwoodchristian.org - it would be an honor to walk alongside you!
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Parenting an Anxious Heart
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Guest: Erin Williams, LPC, PCA Upper School Counselor, Plano campus
APA defines anxiety as “an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes”.
Exists on a spectrum from everyday “good anxiety” to debilitating clinical anxiety
Anxiety that helps you get things done vs. anxiety that keeps you from doing things
Anxiety demands 2 things
- Certainty: “I have to know whatʼs going to happen next…and I want to control it!”
- Comfort: “I want to feel safe and comfortable…or else I want out!
Our bodies, our brains, our emotions weren’t meant to handle all the information all the time
A world that feels scary and threatening (it has always been like this but not we have access to see school shootings, wars, violence live on social media)
Social media
- “There’s not a single exception. All screen activities are linked to less happiness, and all non-screen activities are linked to more happiness.” Jean Twenge’s article in the Atlantic
- Designed to create anxiety, depression, angst, a sense of urgency, wanting to look & feel different, needing something new
- Teens (and adults) used to exist in small(ish) circles so maybe they were still struggling with comparison to neighbors, peers, teammates, etc. but now they are comparing themselves to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE … including images, stories, personas that are fake/false/not real.
Parenting positives and negatives in handling anxiety…
- Negative
- High expectations and pressure to “succeed”
- Avoidance - worry says to STOP so you have to keep going
- Not setting limits, boundaries (your job as a parent is to keep your kids safe and healthy -> mind, body & soul)
- Projecting anxiety onto your children
- Anxiety is a learned behavior
- This doesn’t mean don’t be anxious but it does mean that as a parent you need to do the work! (generational trauma/sin)
- Positive
- Tolerate and normalize discomfort (instead of saving our kids from it)
- Learn by doing, failing, & succeeding
- Handle the uncertainty of life -> resiliency
- Be more flexible -> malleability
- Problem solve (vs. ruminate)
- Simplify life
- Healthy families: time together, positive communication, appreciation & affection
- Strong biblical foundation & limits on social media
- Teens being spiritually confused + largely influenced by social media = destructive thinking (Center for Bible Engagement)
Books for parents of teens with anxiety
- Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety (Dr. John Huffy)
Books for parents with anxiety
- Get Out of Your Head (Jenny Allen)
- Flusterclux with Lynn Lyons (non-Christian, but very practical stories that are helpful, more pointed toward clinical anxiety)
2 Corinthians 10:5 “We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One” (TPT).
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
PCA Civility Clause
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Guests: Kristan Williams (MS Principal Plano campus), Jillian Bryant (Assistant Athletic Director Plano campus), and Gabe Boyd (parent North campus)
NOTE: Clint Davis will be speaking to parents about all things relating to social media - Tuesday, Oct. 24th at the Plano campus and Monday, Nov. 13th at the North campus, both from 6:30-8:00 pm
How do we engage, as Christian parents, with PCA - from athletics to academics and all facets of the school…especially when we feel that there is an issue or concern that we wish to express and address?
General Principles for Parents:
- Train up your children to self-advocate, to speak for themselves where and when appropriate - and to start with expressing their concern directly to their coaches or teachers.
- If parents need to engage with their students, start the communication process with the coach or teacher directly - and make sure that all communications are presented in a Christ-like manner that honors the position and person you are communicating with.
- If you feel that an issue remains unresolved, you can work your way up to the next level after addressing it first with the coach or teacher.
Parents - in athletics, coaches are not going to talk about playing time or other athletes, but they will help you understand how your athlete can improve on skills or attitude.
Parents - ask your students questions about situations, but also learn to listen to other perspectives before you draw conclusions on issues.
Parents - what teachers and coaches observe at school might be different than what you observe at home; situations are different, expectations are different. If your student is caught or accused or doing something wrong, it is an opportunity to train your children to respond with humility and develop maturity in the process.
Parents - teachers and coaches are not perfect, either. Please extend them the same grace that you expect them to extend to your students. When mistakes are made by anyone, create an atmosphere of cooperation and allow for forgiveness and restoration. Conversations can be conducted without condemnation. When engaging in conversations and meetings, assume positive intent and look for a workable solution.
Parents - remember that you are modeling proper behavior and attitude for our children. If a mistake is made, apologize and seek reconciliation. It’s easier to forgive others when you’ve been forgiven much!
The Soul of Civility: Timeless Principles to Heal Society and Ourselves by Alexandra Hudson
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Developing a Love for Reading with ”Dr. Books”
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Guest: Dr. Daphney Harris, PCA North Librarian
The Texas Legislature recently passed a law that will hold book vendors accountable for the material that is being distributed in their books - if material is inappropriate for children, these vendors will not be allowed to sell their books to Texas public schools or libraries. This new law called the Removing Explicit and Adult Designated Educational Resources (READER) Act was signed into law by Texas governor Greg Abbott following this most recent legislative session.
PCA library on the Plano campus has recently finished an audit of their books to better ensure that all books on the shelves and available for PCA students are aligned with our mission and are age appropriate material and content. If you find material in a book that you find inappropriate, please let your librarian know so they can help best protect and prepare our students.
As a parent, how do I develop a love for reading in my children:
- Find resources/books that our children are interested in
- Avoid “bad” books that waste time and warp minds
- Start reading to your younger children
- As your children get older, engage in meaningful discussions about books that they are currently reading
- Set goals to help challenge your children to read - the practice of reading is important for the Christian student - God’s Word is written and if we can’t read well, we will be frustrated trying to draw close to God through Scripture
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in an Age of Show Business by Neil Postman
Parents, what are you reading? You model the importance of reading for your children - lead by example.
Parents, do a little research on finding good, clean, and appropriate books for your children - start with reading out to Dr. Books - her email is dharris@prestonwoodchristian.org
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
The Christian Distinctives of Biblical Parenting
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Guests: Dr. Connor Bales, pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church, North campus
To watch Dr. Bales sermon in its entirety, please visit click here.
Psalm 127:3-5
- Children are a heritage from the Lord - an inheritance, a gift from God!
- Our children belong to God, we are to steward them well.
- Children are not a burden, they are not our self-esteem.
Children are like arrows…how are arrows made, what are they designed to do:
- Arrows have a purpose, so too should our children
- Arrows get shaped, so too should our children
- Arrows get aimed, so too should our children
- Arrows get released, so too should our children
Deuteronomy 6
- Biblical parenting releases arrows that have a vision for God’s mission
- Biblical parenting releases arrows that have a devotion to God’s son (Jesus)
- Biblical parenting releases arrows that have a submission to God’s Word
- Biblical parenting releases arrows that have an instruction in God’s Word
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
PCA Plano Girls Volleyball Team 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Guests: Coach Ryan Mitchell, Jaden Livings, Mikala Young, Macaria Spears, and Gillian Pitts
Last year the PCA Plano girls volleyball team finished an incredible 40-1 and capped the season off with the 5th TAPPS State Championship for PCA girls volleyball - read more about last season and their amazing run here.
There are some amazing young ladies on this team, featured on this podcast are the following:
- Jaden Livings, senior (committed to USC), pin hitter, outside, right side.
- Mikala Young, senior (committed to TCU), outsider/right side hitter.
- Macaria Spears, junior, outside hitter.
- Gillian Pitts, junior (committed to UHouston), libero.
ESPN will be hosting a showcase event on Friday, Oct. 6th in the evening at Prestonwood Christian Academy featuring four of the top girls volleyball teams in the country! If you can make this event, you won’t want to miss it! Also, check out the remainder of their TAPPS schedule for the year and come see them play!
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
PCA’s Biblical Worldview Conference 2023 - Prep for Parents
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Guests: Dr. William Lane Craig and Lee Strobel
PCA’s Biblical Worldview Conference is scheduled for September 24-26 and has some outstanding speakers focused on the conference theme of “I Am” which examines the importance of the personhood and divinity of Jesus to our lives. Here is the schedule for the event held at Prestonwood Baptist Church, 6801 W. Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75093.
6:00 p.m. – Doors Open
6:30 p.m. – Welcome & Introductions
6:45 p.m. – Panel Discussion (Lee Strobel, Allie Beth Stuckey & Jeremiah Johnston)
8:15 p.m. – Dismissed
8:00 a.m. – Doors Open
8:30 a.m. – General Session (Lee Strobel, Tim Barnett)
10:45 a.m. – Breakout Session 1
11:30 a.m. – Lunch
1:00 p.m. – Breakout Session 2
1:50 p.m. – General Session (Mary Jo Sharp)
3:00 p.m. – Dismissed
8:00 a.m. – Doors Open
8:30 a.m. – General Session (Justin Brierley, William Lane Craig & Jeremiah Johnston)
11:45 a.m. – Dismissed
This episode features interviews with two of the conference speakers - Dr. William Lane Craig and Lee Strobel. Bill Craig has two earned doctorate degrees and his 1994 apologetic book Reasonable Faith serves as the basis of his ministry of the same name, which provides “an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on the most important issues concerning the truth of the Christian faith today.” Lee Strobel is an atheist-turned Christian and best-selling author of more than 40 books, including The Case for Christ, that have sold 14 million copies and won numerous awards. Lee currently serves as the founding director of the Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics at Colorado Christian University. Lee is also releasing his new book Is God Real: Exploring the Ultimate Question of Life and will be speaking about this issue at the conference.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
The Generosity of the PCA Community - NTGD 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Guests: Lauren Aulenbach, Director of Annual Funds, Megan Rogers, Director of Development Operations, and Alex Bellamy, Director of Alumni Relations
The donations made to PCA during NTGD go to the PCA Fund - and these gifts help PCA maintain that margin of excellence that PCA has secured and maintained for the past 26 years! NTGD is Thursday, September 21st - but you can give NOW - no need to wait until Sept. 21st.
The goal this year is to raise $500,000 across the PCA system, $60,000 at the North campus alone! Each campus has grade level challenges based on the greatest percentage of participants! We want everyone to give something, no matter the amount!
To make a donation to PCA, visit the North Texas Giving Day website and search for Prestonwood Christian Academy!
PCA alumni have the opportunity to support the continued vision and mission of PCA - remember, “Once a lion, always a lion!” PCA loves our alumni and pray that they will continue to appreciate the investment that PCA made in their journey…and look forward to those incredible alumni returning some of that investment back into the PCA community!
Thank you to all those who give to support the mission and vision of PCA - you have been blessed to be a blessing - and your generosity is appreciated!
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
The Value of Minimester to the PCA Community
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Guests: Dr. Chad Nichols, US Principal, Plano campus and Mr. Greg Wright, US Principal, North campus
You can also watch this episode on the PrestonwoodChristian YouTube channel.
PCA’s Minimester is an extension of the PCA classroom and enhances the mission of PCA giving students an opportunity to grow in their Biblical worldview by embracing Biblical truth, striving for academic excellence, and modeling Christlike leadership to influence their homes, churches, and communities for Christ! The entire PCA community has been blessed in so many ways over the years because of the experiences that students and faculty have encountered during Minimester and we are thrilled to be able to offer this opportunity again for PCA students both at the North and Plano campuses.
Minimester offerings for the North campus Upper School students include the following:
- Local - Celina and South Dallas
- Domestic - Kentucky, Colorado Springs, and South Florida
- International - England
Minimester offerings for the Plano campus Upper School students include the following:
- Local - Local Missions, Parent Led Missions, Parent Led College Visits, Internships
- Domestic - Puerto Rico, Abilene, Boston, Navajo Reservation in NM, NYC, OKC, Las Vegas, and Denver
- International - Amazon, Uganda, Costa Rica, France, DR (basketball teams), Germany,
- Mexico (girls only), Greece, Romania, and Cuba
The students and faculty at PCA covet your prayers and support for the Minimester program and opportunities.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Plugging In So Your Family Can Shine Brightly for the Kingdom!
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Guests: Dr. Jason Snyder, Discipleship Pastor, and Jason Mick, NextGen Minister, Prestonwood Baptist Church
To watch this episode, check out the PrestonwoodChristian YouTube channel.
Why is going to church essential in the life of a disciple of Christ?
- The church resources and equips Christ-followers to grow in their personal faith journeys
- The church gives the opportunity for believers to serve and minister to the needs of the body of Christ - don’t rob someone of the blessing that God has given you!
- The church gives us the opportunity to model for our children that we value Christ - your kids need to see you as you worship, as you study the Word of God, as you listen to corporate teaching/preaching - James reminds us that faith without works is dead!
Men, we need to “model the mission” and lead by example!
What is expected of a member?
- Be in worship - we are instructed to gather together as the body of Christ. Bring your worship with you!
- Be involved in community - don’t journey in isolation, get plugged in to a LifeGroup
- Be available to serve the church and the community through the life of the church!
Text the word “Serve” to either 74788 for the Plano Campus or 55125 for the North Campus
Compare your “screen time” to the time that you spend serving the Lord, ministering to others, investing in your own spiritual growth and maturity!
Text the word “Groups” to 74788 (Plano) or 55125 (North) to find out about various LifeGroups that exist for you to connect with!
Wednesday evenings are filled with incredible opportunities for discipleship training - Crew, Hype, AWANA (Plano), JHigh Midweek, High School Midweek for students and several different offerings for adults, including several LifeGroups that meet Wednesday evenings. Check out HERE what is being offered for adults at the Plano and North campuses.
Women’s Ministry under the leadership of Tasha Calvert is starting a study of Nehemiah this fall on both campuses - click here to find out more. Tasha also leads the women’s ministry’s podcast called Digging In with Tasha Calvert. Bible study is not a class we take, but a rhythm that we keep!
Also check out the Friday Morning Men’s Bible study at both the Plano and North campuses.
On Sunday mornings, all three campuses - Plano, North, and Espanol - are teaching the Distinctives of a Disciple - the basics of walking out the life of a follower of Jesus!
Resources from Prestonwood called HomeLife are available for you as parents as well - check them out!
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!