
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
SLi Students Wrestle with SOGI Issues
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Guest: The Honorable Matt Shaheen, Texas State Representative, District 66
Student Leadership Institute (SLi) is a leadership training program for Upper School students to train our students how to think critically, engage and debate ideas, and present their solutions to an audience. Each year we select a current cultural issue and this year our PCA students are wrestling with SOGI (Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity) issues.
We selected this topic because of the prevelence of this issue in our culture, and one example is the narrative of the parental rights law passed in Florida that the media dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Here is an article from the Washington Post on this legislative initiative - notice how a bill meant to protect children from LGBTQ indoctrination has a headline that is more worried about how this bill might “limit discussion” on these issues.
The Texas Legislative Session will begin in January 2023 and run through May. The Texas Constitution limits the legislative session to 140 days every two years, although the Governor may call as many Special Sessions and reconvene the legislators as needed to complete the work of the state.
If you want to find out who represents you in the Texas Legislature, visit Who Represents Me? Site, put in your address, and they will tell you who your elected representatives are for your location.
For the actual story on the young woman influenced by her school to transition genders, check out the BreakPoint article by John Stonestreet.
Thank you to Jared Wood for allowing The Journey to use his incredible musical gifts and talents as our intro and outro for this podcast. Check out his music at JaredWoodMusic.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Minimester 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Guest: Mike Beeson, Minister of Missions, Prestonwood Baptist Church
Minimester registration will be available as follows:
- Seniors - Sunday, September 25, 9:00 p.m. to Monday, September 26, 9:00 a.m.
- Juniors - Tuesday, September 27, 9:00p.m. to Wednesday, September 28, 9:00 a.m.
- Sophomore & Freshman - Thursday, September 29, 9:00 p.m. to Friday September 30, 9:00 a.m.
A trip deposit of $300 for domestic and international trips or $75 for local/Texas trips is due at the time of registration.
If you have not already, we encourage you to watch the Minimester video to learn more about the heart of Minimester.
As a reminder, Seniors and Juniors will have the option of selecting either an international or domestic trip. Sophomores will have the option of traveling domestically. Freshmen will serve the local community through various ministry options. These offerings will be comprised of 15 local ministries directly connected to Prestonwood Baptist Church and vetted by PBC Missions. The students will be partnered in groups and will travel to serve at a different ministry opportunity each day.
We are committed to the spiritual development of our students and intentionally train students to serve in the local mission field before sending them to serve abroad. Students are taught how to be a witness as commanded in Acts 1:8 in Jerusalem, then Judea and Samaria, and then to the ends of the earth. Serving provides students with an opportunity to put into practice what they have learned in alignment with the biblical concept of sharing the gospel and making disciples. Local missions also have the added benefit of making Minimester affordable for PCA families.
Thank you to Jared Wood for allowing The Journey to use his incredible musical gifts and talents as our intro and outro for this podcast. Check out his music at JaredWoodMusic.

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
PCA LS Library Audit Update
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Guest: Dr. Katie Chretien, PCA Plano Lower School Principal
PCA has undergone an intensive examination of the books and resources that our students have access to especially in the Lower School library. Resources must be age appropriate in their language, imagery, and ideas communicated to our students. Dr. Chretien shares about the work being done at the Lower School library at the Plano campus, but this audit is ongoing at the Middle School, Upper School, and North Campus libraries as well.
PCA Lower School has moved from Scholastic Books to I:55 Book Fairs, Where Faith Matters. From I:55’s website: Our vision at I55 Book Fairs is to partner with Christian schools, churches, and organizations in proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ. We are passionate about raising up a generation of inspired readers. Our name comes from Isaiah 55. This chapter encompasses all we strive to do, knowing that nothing is impossible with God.
The audit of the books and resources that students have access to in the library should also encourage you as a parent to do a similar audit of what information has access to your children at home through TV, movies, and social media.
Parents, help us continue to be vigilant - if you run across something in a book that you think we need to be aware of, please contact either Dr. Chretien at kchretien@prestonwoodchristian.org or Dan Panetti at dpanetti@prestonwoodchristian.org

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
North Texas Giving Day 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Thanks to Marcus Schreiner (PCA’s Director of Development) , Megan Rogers (PCA North’s Director of Development Relations), and Lauren Aulenbach (PCA’s Director of Annual Funds) for talking about the opportunities to support PCA, PCA North, St. Timothy Christian Academy and The King’s Academy through North Texas Giving Day (NTGD) - open now until September 22, 2022.
To give, check out the NTGD website:
Prestonwood Christian Academy - you can designate what grade level and campus (North or Plano) you are giving to during the giving process.

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Meet Andy Pearson, Prestonwood NextGen Choirs and Creative Arts!
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Guest: Andy Pearson, Director of NextGen Choirs and Creative Arts, Prestonwood Baptist Church
A product of Prestonwood, Andy cut his proverbial acting and dancing teeth in Branson, MO doing shows and then beginning to produce shows while in high school! He’s literally been working with Prestonwood for over 20 years…and he’s only 40 years old now!
Andy and his wife Lauren are proud PCA parents of their little lion Beckett. Andy is slated to lead a PCA Minimester trip to Athens, Greece this spring.
To learn more about the Prestonwood Student Choir, visit their website at Prestonwood Student Worship or check out their Instagram page @student_worship. Here is some information about important dates from their website:
Date: Aug 28, Sunday, 1-2 pm
Location: North Campus – NC SMB / Plano Campus – Choir Rehearsal Hall
Register now to avoid long lines at the check-in
Door opens at 12:30 pm
Free Lunch and T-shirt
Fall Follies and The Gift of Christmas Dance Audition immediately after the Kickoff
Fall Vocal Audition: Prepare a 30-45 second A Capella audition video (one song per student, please) and e-mail it to studentworship@prestonwood.org by Sunday, Aug 28th, 11pm.
Aug 28: Fall Kickoff and Fall Dance Audition
Sept 4: No Choir Rehearsal. HAPPY LABOR DAY WEEKEND!
Sept 11: Regular Choir Rehearsal. Follies Rehearsal Kickoff
Sept 18: No Choir Rehearsal. Have fun at the Student Ministry Block Party!
Sept 25: Regular Choir Rehearsal
Register now and start receiving all the news and updates! If you have any questions, e-mail studentworship@prestonwood.org.

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
PCA US Retreat 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Dr. Jeremiah Johnston, retreat speaker
Parents, we had an incredible time at our PCA Upper School retreat at Sky Ranch last week. The atmosphere was electric and the teaching and training time with our students was epic! This episode will hopefully give you a little taste of what our US students experienced at retreat - lots of activities, grade level meetings, incredible worship and solid Biblical teaching. After some highlights from retreat, I sat down with Dr. Jeremiah Johnston and took a moment to reflect on what he shared with our students and his perspective as a first time dad and faculty member at PCA.
A special shout out to Jared Wood who not only was our worship leader once again at retreat, but he also allows us to use his incredible talents and music for our intro and outro for The Journey - check out his music at JaredWoodMusic.
![How Casual Sex Is Affecting Our Children [MATURE THEME]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12331621/The_Journey_Podcast_Cover_Smaller_ksswe8_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
How Casual Sex Is Affecting Our Children [MATURE THEME]
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Guest: Dr. Joe McIlhaney [Mature Theme]
Joe McIlhaney, MD is the Founder and Chairman of The Medical Institute for Sexual Health. He founded this organization in 1992, and left his medical practice of twenty-four years to become President of the organization in 1995. He is from Lubbock, TX and graduated from Texas Technological College (now Texas Tech University) in 1957. He graduated from Baylor University School of Medicine with an MD degree in 1991. Following an internship at Jefferson Davis Hospital in Houston he entered the USAF as a general medical officer, serving for two years. He returned to Baylor to do nine months of residency in Pediatrics and then to complete a three year residency in Ob-Gyn. He and his wife and three daughters then moved to Austin, TX where he practiced Obstetrics and Gynecology with an emphasis on care of infertile couples. During that time he was an innovator, bringing gynecologic laparoscopy, gynecologic microsurgery, gynecologic laser and, with three other doctors, IVF to the Central Texas area.
Hooked: New Science on How Casual Sex is Affecting Our Children by Dr. Joe McIlhaney and Freda McKissic Bush
Hooked: The Consequences of Casual Sex - Part 1 with Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk, 2019 (VIDEO)
If girls understand that they are “worthy” then they are more likely to act in a way that demonstrates their worth and expect others to treat them with respect.
If a girl is touched in an intimate way for twenty seconds or more, her body releases a chemical called oxytocin, which helps to bond her to that other person and builds a level of trust between them.
God has designed us for intimate relationships - and the chemicals that God has designed to help build those important relationships! That’s why God designed marriage as the proper place for sexual activity - within the bounds and covenant of a life-long relationship between one man and one woman. God’s guidelines are to “limit” us, but to empower us to have meaningful and lasting relationships!
The Power of the Success Sequence
By W. Bradford Wilcox and Wendy Wang
American Enterprise Institute
May 26, 2022
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the US. Learn more about it and how it is transferred.
Understanding the effects of pornography - it doesn’t appear to “cost” much at the time, but the long-term effects are far more significant than most people can imagine - sin takes you farther than you wanted to go, keeps you longer than you wanted to stay, and costs you more than you wanted to pay!
Parents, start talking to your children when they’re young about God’s design for relationships and sexuality at an age-appropriate level. Talk to your children about the incredible things that God has planned for them - if they are aiming for a goal, it’s easier to say no to small distractions that would keep us from our ultimate goal!
“We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” C.S. Lewis
A Life Well Spent: The Eternal Rewards of Investing Yourself and Your Money in Your Family by Russ Crosson
Parents, we are modeling how to do life as we live and make decisions in front of our children!
The Road Less Traveled, Timeless Edition: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth by M. Scott Peck
Shout out to Jared Wood who allows us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Importance of a Christian Liberal Arts Education
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Guest: Dan Panetti, PCA Worldview Director
New Staff Presentation 2022
First, we need to address what the goal of education really is:
A liberal-arts education is supposed to provide you with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas, not a job. Caroline Bird
The great end of education is to discipline rather than to furnish the mind; to train it to the use of its own powers, rather than fill it with the accumulation of others. Tyron Edwards
Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. Socrates
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
''Call me Ishmael,'' Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
“The wounds received in battle bestow honor, they do not take it away.” Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. The Gospel of John, Chapter 1:1-5
Therefore, the Christian student has the ability to ask and answer important questions of life…
If you see a problem, what can I do to make it better?
If you see a void, what can I do to fill it?
If you see beauty, how can I best appreciate it?
If you see wonder, how can I best understand it?
MOVIE - Top Gun Maverick
Enemy-occupied territory – that is what this world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed. You might say landed in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage. When you go to church you are really listening in to the secret wireless from our friends: that is why the enemy is so anxious to prevent us from going. C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
Thanks to Jared Wood for the use of his music.

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Dr. Mike Goddard ”ALL IN” School-wide Theme
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Guest: Dr. Mike Goddard, Superintendent, Prestonwood Christian Academy School System
“ALL IN” School-wide Theme for 2022-23
Jesus answered, “The most important is, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:29-30
Dr. Goddard decided to look at his life and every aspect of what he’s putting into his mind and body - and he’s down 35 pounds in weight! The goal for our Christian teachers and leaders is to MODEL the way for our students!
Objective for every classroom - love Jesus and love others enough to share Him!
When we feed the flesh, the flesh grows. When we feed the spirit, the spirit grows. What are you feeding in your life? Choose what is right, good, and true and feed those thoughts and ideas.
PCA adding about 500 students across the PCA System - incredible opportunities for those students and families for a Biblically-solid Christian education to train them to make a difference in the world for Christ!
A “strand of three cords” - the church, school, and home - together we are stronger as we train our students to be strong lights in a dark world!

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Check Out the Incredible Levi’s Locker!
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Special thanks to Toby Graham and Kelly Walsh - our directors for Levi’s Locker, the PCA Spirit Store! And a huge shout out to Katie McDonald PCA’s Director of Communications and Web - who is the biggest fan of all the incredible work that Toby and Kelly are doing!
To learn more about Levi’s Locker and check out all the incredible things they offer, visit their website and social media offerings:
Levi’s Locker online: https://the-hub-prestonwood-christian-academy.square.site/
To volunteer and find out the hours of operation: prestonwoodchristian.org/spiritstore
Facebook: @LevisLockerPCA
Instagram: @LevisLockerPCA
Twitter: @LevisLockerPCA
Levi’s Locker will be announcing their MOBILE opportunities soon - to “take spirit to the people.” So be on the lookout for Levi’s Locker coming to a variety of PCA events near you! There is an online store where you can order your materials and get them even before the long lines form at Back to School Day!
Levi’s Locker equips us to present to the watching world a message of love and truth by presenting the hope that is in us as children of the light. Just as the word should be written on our hearts so that we might not sin against God, we can also write His word on our lives so that the world can see the difference that Christ has made in our lives - when we promote PCA, we promote Christ who is at the center of all that PCA is and does.