
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
The Importance of and Opportunity to Grow Spiritually When You’re Young!
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Guest: Dr. Daryl Jones
Daryl is a dynamic speaker, incredible athlete, outstanding husband and father, and faithful man of God who has been blessed to have served on staff with a number of excellent churches over the years and is now the pastor at The Rock Fellowship in Miami, FL. Daryl and his wife Kamica have seven children and he recently birthed another “baby” (as Daryl calls it) into the family - his outstanding book called Youth Matter: Kingdom Development, Kingdom Impact. This book is written to young people, but is an excellent resource for all ages to use to train youth to understand their value in God’s eyes and their role as part of God’s plan to change the world for the cause of Christ.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Parent Plan for Social Media (*Mature Content/Adults Only*)
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Guest: Clint Davis, M.S., LPC, CSAT, CCTP, EMDR Provider, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist
Clint Davis Counseling & Integrative Wellness
Locations in Shreveport, North Bossier, South Bossier, Ruston, and Monroe, LA
Office number 318.562.6903
Our children are being exposed to pornography and sexual content through social media and we need to prepare and equip them to navigate this world. Clint recommends that we speak openly and honestly about their bodies in a healthy way (the “discipleship version”) before the world begins to teach them in an unhealthy way.
The average age that children begin viewing pornography in America is between the ages of 8-11 years old.
Less than 82% of parents have rules and regulations concerning technology use. While your child may not be looking for pornography, pornography is looking for them!
Social Media Plan:
Step 1 - you have to do this as a community! Find some other like-minded parents who are willing to make the same decisions about social media.
Step 2 - try to treat the cell phone like a driver’s license. For your younger children, show them how to use the cell phone by using yours. Around 13-14 years old, you begin to allow them to “learn” how to use social media as you monitor and watch them - constantly having conversations about their choices. Then around 16 years old, you can allow your children to have a cell phone on their own and begin to navigate social media.
Today 86% of pornography is graphic violence against women and men.
Research shows that 98% of teens by age 15 have seen pornography.
The link of graphic violence with the sexual development of a child is causing intense damage to the life and mind of those exposed to these images and depictions.
Asking Why with Clint Davis - to listen to more of these valuable conversations with Clint on a wider variety of topics. Here is the link for Apple Podcasts.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Sky Ranch - An Essential Ministry Partner with PCA
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Guest: John Morgan and Candice Meyers
John Morgan is the VP of Ministry Programs and has been a part of Sky Ranch since 1988. John was the song guy for Sky Ranch, a counselor, and the Sky 3 & 4 Camp Manager before moving into his current position. John’s family, his wife Amanda, and their four children, are his most important ministry as he loves being a husband and a dad.
Candice serves as the VP of Sales and Marketing and her relationship with Sky Ranch began in 2004. A seasoned speaker, singer and songwriter, Candice was a former Miss Kansas with a passion for authentic and transparent ministry and a heart for moms who are navigating their children through today’s rapidly changing culture. Candice is married to Rope Myers, a World Champion rodeo cowboy and ordained minister. They live in East Texas and are parents of four children.
- Summer Camps for children going into Kindergarten (Day Camps for the younger students) and then overnight camp in Van, TX for students going into first grade through ninth grade.
- Look for the Leadership Camps for the older high school students.
- Family Camps in both Ute Trail and HornCreek in Colorado.
Sky Ranch has a special place in the hearts of so many PCA families and has been an essential partner with PCA for so many years as we’ve taken students to Van, TX to kick off each year for our annual PCA Retreat. Huge shout out to Sky Ranch - make sure you consider Sky Ranch as you make plans for your family this summer and in the years to come.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Jesus Revolution screening...and So Much More!!!
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Guest: Dr. Jason Snyder and Tim Matthews
Join us for the incredible Jesus Revolution movie screening on Sunday, February 19th at Prestonwood Baptist Church, 6801 W. Park Blvd., Plano, TX 75093. Food for purchase available at Main Street beginning at 4:30 pm, doors to the worship center open at 5:00 pm and the moving will begin promptly at 6:00 pm. Childcare is available up to Kindergarten age by reservation.
Friday morning men’s Bible study will feature Jim Sundberg, former all-star catcher for the Texas Rangers will be speaking on Friday, Feb. 17th and Friday, Feb. 24th beginning at 6:30 am in the Student Ministry Building. Jim will be sharing from his new book Equipped to Win!: Suiting Up in the Armor of God for Spiritual Maturity.
Dr. Jason Snyder is continuing his study of the Book of Genesis during MidWeek at Prestonwood - each Wednesday evening beginning at 6:30 pm in the Student Ministry Building. There are other incredible classes available during MidWeek for parents and students!
Prestonwood LifeGroup FINDER - how to find a LifeGroup that fits your stage of life.
Prestonwood PreTeen Weekend - “Co-Heirs”
February 25-26, Grades 4-6
Prestonwood Students - Beach Camp, June 11-16, 2023
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Zig Ziglar Servant Leadership Award Banquet 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Guest: Megan Rogers, Lauren Aulenbach, and Veronica Erickson
Zig Ziglar Servant Leadership Award Banquet
Sunday evening, April 2nd starting at 6:00 pm (doors open at 5:30 pm). Attire is WESTERN! The event is at The Star in Frisco. The recipient for the award is Michael W. Smith. This is a great event to invite a family that you want to introduce to PCA! Parents, we also need volunteers to help set up and tear down the event - check out the website for more information.
The Zig Ziglar Servant Leadership Award was established in 2008 through the shared vision of Prestonwood Christian Academy and the Prestonwood Foundation, with the purpose of encapsulating the legacy of Zig Ziglar by annually naming a recipient who embodies the very essence of Christ-like servant leadership. We are proud to announce Michael W. Smith as the 2023 recipient! Learn more about Michael W. Smith here.
All proceeds from the Zig Ziglar Servant Leadership Award Banquet directly benefit Sponsor-A-Lion (SAL), Prestonwood Christian Academy's tuition assistance program. Each year, 500-600 PCA students receive need-based financial assistance through SAL.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Sanctity of Life Emphasis with Autumn Higashi
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Guest: Autumn Higashi
Autumn was our speaker for our Sanctity of Life emphasis in chapel. She is involved with an organization called Students for Life and you can listen to more of her sessions on their website or her YouTube channel called Unapologetic.
Autumn shared some powerful and plain truths about the development of human life - from conception to a full term baby inside the mother’s womb - and why it’s important to protect this developing life from those who would seek to destroy it through abortion. Autumn shared this message with PCA’s 7-12 grade students in two different chapels.
When Autumn shares with others about the challenges to a pro-life worldview, she answers many of their issues with this powerful statement: “No situation will be made better by the ending of an innocent human life.” Autumn also shares the important aspect that abortion isn’t the only option available to a woman, but we live in a culture that settles for limiting narrative. There are available solutions for a woman in a crisis pregnancy - financial resources, adoption, counseling and support are just some viable alternatives to the killing of a human life.
Autumn reminded our students that our faith tells us that all life is made in the image of God and is valuable and science tells us that life begins at conception - putting those powerful concepts together means that we, as Christians, should be fighting for protecting the life of the unborn and helping those individuals who are wrestling with these concepts in their own life.
To learn more about how the Dobbs decision changed the legal landscape of America, check out this article by John Stonestreet at The Colson Center.
Students for Life ACTION trains and mobilizes this generation of pro-life leaders to impact public policy and influence key elections in order to restrict and abolish abortion in America. The goal is to make abortion unthinkable one day!
Final word to parents - you need to be the one who is training your children about the issues of sex and abortion - Planned Parenthood is looking to introduce a counter narrative to our students, but we should be vigilant to make sure that our children know the truth about God’s design for human life.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Biblical Wisdom for Raising Boys with Ricky Chelette
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Guest: Ricky Chelette
Ricky recently spoke to our parents at the Plano campus and will be giving that same presentation to our parents at the North Campus on Monday, January 30th at 6:45 pm in The Gathering. Invite your friends to join you to come out and hear him in person.
As Executive Director, Ricky’s vision, leadership, compassion and passion for truth has helped LHM grow and expand amidst a culture often antagonistic to its mission. Before joining Living Hope Ministries, Ricky served the Lord as a single adult/outreach pastor, youth pastor, and education minister. Ricky holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science/ Pre-Law, A Master of Arts in Religious Education, is an ordained minister, and has taught at seminaries, colleges, and universities. While serving as executive director, Ricky concurrently serves on the pastoral staff at First Baptist Church, Arlington, TX as an ordained pastor.
Over his more than thirty years in ministry, Ricky has vast experience speaking to and journeying with thousands of men, women, and friends and family of those struggling with gender and identity confusion. Ricky enjoys traveling, cooking, painting, writing, reading, and seeing people’s lives transformed by Jesus. His real passions are teaching the word of God, serving the church and her people, and hosting folks at his house for his personally prepared gourmet meals. Ricky was joyously married for thirty years to the late Merlinda Allen Chelette, who went to be with the Lord in April 2019.
Parents of boys - what things do they need to know?
Ricky - we are having a big crisis of masculinity and the demonization of men - “toxic masculinity” - reality is that there are “toxic” men, but as Christians we need to raise our young boys into godly men - men who know how to work hard, treat others well, serve their community, and love their Lord.
Ricky - go back to the Word of God for instruction. Genesis begins with God giving men work to do and that’s an important place for men to begin - work gives men meaning and significance…and helps out the community at the same time! Men were also given the task to speak truth into chaos and give that chaos an identity and direction. So important for fathers to do this with their children - to speak truth into their life and give them identity and direction.
Ricky - every child needs the Attention, Affirmation, and Affection of their parents, especially their father.
Dads - find out how your children are created and what they are passionate about, and find ways to enter into their world to encourage them in their pursuits. If you don’t do this, your children may believe that they are not good enough for your love and attention.
Ricky - every dad ought to “date” their children - one-on-one time, finding out more about them…what’s your child’s favorite color, what is the name of their teacher, what book are they reading, are they allergic to anything…dads, you need to know these things!
Ricky - single parents, this is a difficult journey alone, but there are others out there who can help you - coaches, teachers, etc…but be careful and vigilant to vet those you allow into the life of your children.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Biblical Wisdom for Raising Girls with Ricky Chelette
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Guest: Ricky Chelette
***Ricky will be speaking at PCA for two PCA parent training sessions, first on Monday evening, January 23rd in the SLC on the Plano campus starting at 6:30 pm as well as the following Monday evening, January 30th in The Gathering at the North Campus beginning at 6:45 pm. Childcare is not available for these sessions.***
As Executive Director, Ricky’s vision, leadership, compassion and passion for truth has helped LHM grow and expand amidst a culture often antagonistic to its mission. Before joining Living Hope Ministries, Ricky served the Lord as a single adult/outreach pastor, youth pastor, education minister, and even used his gifts of singing and teaching traveling the US performing gospel concerts. Ricky was one of the founders of LHM’s online support forums and was instrumental in establishing satellites of LHM in Denton and Houston. Ricky holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science/ Pre-Law, A Master of Arts in Religious Education, is an ordained minister, and has taught at seminaries, colleges, and universities in addition to speaking throughout the US and abroad. While serving as executive director, Ricky concurrently serves on the pastoral staff at First Baptist Church, Arlington, TX as an ordained pastor.
Over his more than thirty years in ministry, Ricky has vast experience speaking to and journeying with thousands of men, women, and friends and family of those struggling with gender and identity confusion. Ricky enjoys traveling, cooking, painting, writing, reading, and seeing people’s lives transformed by Jesus. His real passions are teaching the word of God, serving the church and her people, and hosting folks at his house for his personally prepared gourmet meals. Ricky was joyously married for thirty years to the late Merlinda Allen Chelette, who went to be with the Lord in April 2019.
Starting the conversation with raising girls today (boys will be next week).
Ricky sees the gender “confusion” today as a “social contagion” - many young girls are following the lead of another or even someone famous
Where do we begin this conversation with our daughters?
- Talk with your daughters about why God created gender, especially the beauty of being created as a woman.
- Is there anything that a woman can’t do in today’s current culture?
- Are there things that specifically a woman can do that is special and unique?
If you just allow a person to progress normally through puberty, 75-85% of gender confusion will resolve for the sex to which they are born.
Parents - celebrate the way that your child was created by God - if they are a boy, celebrate that they are male - if they are a girl, celebrate that they are female. Remember that God doesn’t make mistakes - your children were created by God for a purpose, which includes their gender.
Parents - understand the influence that social media is having on the hearts and minds of your children!
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Welcome to PCA - Maria Bower
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Parents, join me as we welcome Maria Bower to PCA where she will serve as our Director of Spiritual Development! You can reach Maria at 972-930-4127 or at mbower@prestonwoodchristian.org
About Maria (from her website): Maria serves as the Director of Spiritual Development, Wellness Coordinator, and as a Biblical Counselor for the Prestonwood Christian Academy School System. She is also the founder, teacher, and podcaster of Faith Vs. Weight: Slaying the Sugar Dragon based on the Faith Vs. Weight Series, and her two books, Faith Vs. Weight: Magnifying the Glory of God by Reclaiming Your Energy to Serve the Kingdom and Faith Vs. Weight: Daily Strength to Shine Action Guide.
Through her Faith Vs. Weight podcast, classes, and books she empowers clients to identify strongholds and experience life-changing breakthroughs with regard to their spiritual, emotional, and physical health. Biblical inspiration is introduced with practical and proven behavior, nutrition, and fitness strategies that have helped hundreds of clients lose weight and regain their energy to serve the kingdom.
Growing up in an abusive home, Maria has personally dealt with emotional eating, depression, drug abuse, and other unhealthy behaviors. She understands the very real spiritual warfare involved in these struggles. She also knows what it is like to live in VICTORY and loves leading others to that same freedom in the LORD, JESUS CHRIST!!
Maria is a former U.S. Navy Health Information Systems Officer (ACHE) and White House Military Social Aide. She graduated from The George Washington University with an MBA and has completed certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer specializing in Metabolic Health, Behavioral Change, Fitness Nutrition, Weight Loss, Pilates, and Women’s Fitness. She has also served as a YMCA LIVESTRONG cancer survivor trainer.
She currently teaches Faith Vs. Weight at Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano Texas.
Maria has also completed certificates in Biblical Counselor through Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (MABTS) as well as Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS).
As a fifty-six year old wife of fellow Navy Veteran, Mark Bower, and the mother of two sons; Benjamin, a High School Junior and Matthew, a Freshman at Texas A&M studying Engineering, the joy of the LORD is her strength! Nehemiah 8:10
Maria was brought up in the Catholic faith - she talks about how spending time in the Word of God completely transformed her understanding of God’s grace and mercy in her life.
Maria found that listening to the Bible was helpful - a way to spend time in God’s Word without adding one more thing to her plate - and found playing worship music was a powerful addition as well. Maria also suggests putting Christian Bible books in your car so that our kids have access to some good reading material instead of them wasting time on technology!
Check this out to find out more about Faith vs. Weight
GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out - you will reap what you sow - what you fill your time and mind with will influence your thought process and develop your worldview.
Don’t worry - God’s plans for your children will not be thwarted!
Model your spiritual journey for your children - let them see you read God’s Word and get involved in church! Most efficient use of your day - start it in the Word of God!
Join me in praying for Maria as she begins to serve the PCA community in this role as our Director of Spiritual Development!
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Life Lessons from a Life Coach
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Guest: Tami Peterson, Founder and CEO of Life Architects
Life Architects: Designing Solutions for Life and Leadership
Tami is a designer by vocation and has been creating lesson plans, curricula, and experiences her whole life. She holds an undergraduate degree in Christian Education from Ozark Christian College in Joplin, MO, and an MA in Leadership, Theology, and Society from Regent College in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Her occupational titles have included elementary, middle, and high school teacher, librarian, admissions director, career coach, and director of college advising. Her title at Life Architects is Founder and Creative Engagement Officer where she designs and directs the projects we work on and helps everyone flourish by connecting with individuals, families, and institutions. Tami is married and has two adult children.
One of the amazing and important resources of a private Christian school is that it can be a safe place to ask questions, to wrestle with important life issues - your family should also be a place where children are asking questions - and that you, as their parents, are seeking to listen and learn from them and with them!
How do we start to train our children in “the way they should go”?
- Start by just paying attention
- “See and Say” - when you see something in your children, communicate that to them - encourage them by telling them the things that you see that God has created in our children
Some things that you can identify in your children that reflect the nature of God:
- God’s order and design - do your children love to bring order out of chaos?
- God’s desire to seek and save the lost - do your children love to save lost puppies?
- God’s creativity - do your children love to create new things and beauty?
- God’s healing and restoring - do your children enjoy helping others?
How do we equip our children to learn from the pains and sorrows of life instead of looking to help them avoid all pain and only seek pleasure? It’s difficult to allow our children to struggle, especially in a world that pushes everyone to be “elite.”
How do we develop a “learner mentality” - which means that we allow them to fail, so that they can learn from that failure - and that they can learn there are things they are not good at?!
Remember that all children are “wired” differently - and just because our current culture advances one particular area doesn’t mean that our children are wired to be successful in that area. If we allow our culture to define what is valuable, then our children will be defined by our culture. We should define our children by God’s design for them - and equip them to be all that God has designed for them to be - even if that means that their vocation does not command a great deal of money! Do we want our children to define their success and happiness by God’s design for their lives or by what the world says is important?
Scripture gives several warnings against the “love” of money, the pursuit of money - God’s Word frames us as “stewards” of resources - time, talents, and treasure - that ALL belongs to God, and we are to use what He’s given us for His greater glory!
Research about what keeps people “in the faith”
- Worldview that has the answers to the questions of life
- Mentor who walks with you on your journey
- Community of people who speak the truth in love
Parents, if you’d like to reach out to Tami for additional attention, check out their website and services.
Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!